Whether we like it or not, we're almost always being judged. From the moment you step into a job interview, or turn up at your partner's house to meet their parentsfor the first time, or even go to request a table at a fancier-than-average restaurant, someone will be making a mental assessment of the type of person they think you are.
This can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on how much effort you put into your appearance and how well it reflects who you are as a person.
Obviously, in a formal, pre-planned scenario, there may be certain ways you change your aesthetic in order to give a certain impression. You might swap your baggy tee for a fitted shirt, for instance, or comb your hair instead of leaving it in its natural state.
However, when it comes to an informal setting, there are very specific things that women will look at when judging a guy for the first time - and they're probably not what you think.

Using technology to track eye movements, researchers have discovered exactly which parts of a man's body a woman is most likely to look at upon first seeing him, and it actually changes slightly in different scenarios.
In a setting where a man is only in his swimwear, such as by the pool or at the beach, a woman's eyes will most likely go straight to his abs. This is great news for dudes who put a lot of effort into maintaining their torsos - but also for those who don't, as 'dad bods' are surprisingly appealing for women who are seeking a long-term relationship.
After that, she will look at his face (so make sure to smile!), and then at his shoulders and biceps.
Surprisingly, even when a guy is stripped down to just his undies, a woman won't look at his crotch. Again, this can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on how much of your personality is in your pants.

On the street (where guys will hopefully be wearing a bit more than just a pair of Speedos), a woman will notice a man's eyes first. Then, her gaze will drift to his smile, before zooming out to analyze his height.
Women also notice men's hands upon their first assessment - so it never hurts to keep yours looking neat and clean.
Finally, a woman will pay attention to a man's style. What is appealing to one woman may be completely different for another, though, so just dressing in the way that you feel most comfortable is your best bet for finding a like-minded partner.
However, regardless of the scenario, there is one factor which is more appealing than any other.

According to the eye-trackers, a trait which might not be seen as conventionally appealing can be easily outweighed by a man's confidence. This means that a shorter, more self-assured man may have a better chance of successfully chatting up a woman than a taller, slightly more introverted guy.
Then again, everybody is different, and what works for one person might be a complete turn-off for someone else. As long as you're comfortable with who you are, it should translate in your body language and confidence - so just stick to what you know best.
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