1. A skeleton, 6-8 inches long, was discovered outside a Chilean ghost town.

2. There is a thundercloud in Australia that forms almost every afternoon from September to March each year.

3. Nearly 90 different commercial airliners have gone missing in the last seven decades.

4. "The Black Knight Satellite" whose origin and purpose were unknown, was spotted before any man-made satellites were launched.

5. The Kepler telescope has spotted roughly 1,200 possible worlds, including 68 that are earth sized planets.

6. There is a 240 paged book calledThe Voynich Manuscript, it was said to be written in the early 15th century in a language completely unknown.

7. The "Traub," the rarest motorcycle in the world, was found behind a brick wall in Chicago in 1968, and still runs to this day.

8. The world's largest virus, namedPandora, was found off the coast of Australia, it also holds about 93% of unidentified genetics.

9. The Devil’s Kettle, is a massive hole that swallows half a river and no one has any idea where it goes.

10. On Oak Island in Canada there is a giant hole in the ground said to house pirate treasures no one can reach.

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