How To Access The Supernatural Ability of God

Sunday 5 November 2017

“When our own thinking has the upper mind, we interpret everything with soulish logic. We look at our own resources and the scale of the problem in front of us, and we make a rational intelligent judgment of our chances of pulling it off. If the circumstances look too huge and awesome, we will not even attempt the matter. We will be like the ten spies who returned from spying in Canaan. We will give an ‘evil report’ of what the opposition is like and of our chances of victory. 
However, when we are moving in faith regarding God’s ability, we put a different complexion on things. Like Joshua and Caleb, we will give a report that is full of regard for the anointing of God, even at our own expense.” – Graham Cooke
Dear intercessor,
My heart was enlightened when my perspective changed early one morning while I was sitting at the beach. Clouded by overwhelming thoughts, I sat looking intently at the ocean. My husband had gone on a bike ride, and I decided to have some time with the Lord at the beach, one of my favorite places. The ocean is quite incredible. So with headphones on, I put on some good music and began to worship God. As I praised Him, I began to think. I had been going through a particularly busy time and I was very tired. The workload looked enormous at that point. The circumstances looked huge, my resources looked small, the opposition looked great, and the chances of victory looked slim.

But as I sat on that sandy beach - staring intently at the ocean and quietly listening - I began to see things from a new perspective.

The ocean was so vast, so wide and immense. All I could see was miles and miles of ocean. In that instant, I began to see God with eyes of faith. I felt he was saying to me, “Is anything too hard for me?” As I looked at the sea and worshipped the Lord, I saw the incredible ability of God. He is great and in control. He can do absolutely anything. Suddenly everything seemed different because my perspective had changed, and I had begun to see the supernatural ability of God.

I thought back to the beginning of my dream for spreading encouragement for intercession to the nations. Intercessors Arise began one week after 9-11. It was birthed in my heart years ago, yet there came a time when I had to take action and do something about it. It was beyond what I could do with my personal resources both inwardly and outwardly, but a worldwide prayer movement had moved my heart.

I couldn’t get away from it, so I stepped out by faith. That was many years ago. In every step of the way since then, there were obstacles, testings, and lots of endurance. And I continue to run into these radical faith challenges on a regular basis, but God has proved to be faithful over and over again. Every obstacle would appear to be insurmountable from a human standpoint, but God wanted to show me an important lesson.

It was His ability, not mine. He could do what only He alone could do. My part was to trust and obey.

Are you in a place where you are looking to your own abilities and present difficulties you are facing, or are you looking to the supernatural ability of God? Do you have a dream on your heart that only He can do?

This is a question we must all answer again and again. Will I trust God with all of these impossibilities? Will I continue to believe Him for the breakthrough? It’s so easy to look at our inabilities and say:

“Lord, I don’t have the gifting. I don’t have the strength. I don’t have the resources and people. I don’t have the money. But I do have one thing - I have You, and You are more than enough.”

In your present situation, God has supernatural ability to do the impossible through you. Continue in prayer and don’t give up. Always remember that the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. We must see the greatness and the supernatural ability of God.

A young boy was flying to see his grandparents for a visit. On the airplane, he happened to sit next to a seminary professor. During the flight while the boy was reading a Sunday school paper, the professor thought he would have some fun with him by testing his knowledge of God. The professor said, “Young man, if you can tell me something God can do, I’ll give you a big, shiny apple.” The boy thought for a moment and said:

“Mister, if you can tell me something God can’t do, I’ll give you a whole barrel of apples!”

That little boy had faith in the supernatural ability of God in a far deeper way than most of us. I’m sure he made that professor think about his answer during the rest of that flight. We need to have this kind of childlike faith in God. We need to have radical faith in a God who is able to do the impossible and who has limitless resources and ability.
“As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you... Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:5, 9).
[written by Debbie Przybylski

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